Wear Pads - never had them - never will!
Examine the wear patterns and you will see that the wearing of the host bar causes the carbide to chip or fall out. This has to be true or the host bar would not be worn out until the carbide is worn out. See: Typical carbide wear patterns
Even though the wear pads are generally getting longer they are also getting thinner. By weight these longer wear pads are the same or significantly lighter. Some of the new wear pads are 1/3 the weight of the old standard pads. See: Carbide chart
Some are adding more wear pads claiming this will prolong the life of the bar. If this is the case explain the wear pattern on the Ski Doo carbide with 9 pads no more than 1 inch apart. Another way to put this is, if the original two wear pads were working, as they have claimed, why would they need more? Two other examples that prove that a wear rod is only as durable as it's weakest link are the Kalamazoo Karbide and the 1981 John Deere 22 5/8" carbide photos. See: Typical carbide wear patterns
There is a trend to use carbide that is mounted very shallow in the host bar. This facilitates the undercutting of the carbide allowing it to fall out faster. Carbide that is set deeper into the host bar will stay in longer because more host bar material has to be worn away before the carbide is affected.
Keep in mind, they all had wear pads when they switched to hardsurfacing. Then, they changed to a combination of wear pads and hardsurfacing. Each time, claiming to be the leader, standard or the ultimate.
Of course, we could add carbide wear pads to our wear bars and this would add some life to them... but only on bare pavement... giving them less life on the trails.
Helpful Tip: Before you buy a pair of carbides run your fingernail along the side of the turning carbides. If you feel a bump, the carbide is probably not seated. Take a good look at the wear pads. If they don't look right mention it to the Dealer and let him know you won't buy the carbides until you are satisfied.
Ski Doo - Pilot Ski Extreme Carbide
Saber - 1996-1997
For more information, check
Carbide penetration chart
Woody's model history
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Woody's wear pad history
Woody's turning carbide history
Woody's advertising history
Typical carbide rod wear patterns
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