Twin Track Redesigned |
Race and Rally, Nov/Dec 1980
Page 64
Twin Track Skis Being Redesigned
According to the Superior Ski Corporation of Fort Worth, Texas, even though five years of testing and development went into to Twin Track ski, those involved in the research and development of the project used snowmobiles made prior to 1978-79. They were completely unaware that the manufacturing companies had been redesigning their machines to put more weight on the skis. As a result those who installed the new ski on their later model snowmobiles experienced some difficulties in handling.
However, it was shown that on hard pack ice and in very deep snows of the mountains the old model Twin Track ski work and perform superior to any conventional ski. It was also discovered that in speeds in excess of 30 mph, the skis again outperformed a usual ski. The only problem experienced with the ski was with the later model snowmobile at low speeds.
The main feature of the Twin Track ski was a wear bar on the outer edge of each ski with a floatation tunnel in the middle.
List on the ski last winter was $79.95 a pair. Superior Ski is offering the balance of last year’s ski at $29.00 a pair. They are also going to send a complimentary pair of new skis to all who purchased from them last year.
The new design was to be completed and ready for market in October, 1980.

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