The earliest snowmobile wear rod Part Number listed in our 1981 listings.
Moto-Ski – 1965-73, Zepher
P/N – 540-020024
I would say this is probably the first wear rod placed on a snowmobile by Moto-Ski which was a division of Ski-Doo.
Ski-Doo filed for a patent for carbide wear rods in 1971 and was awarded the patent in 1973.
We came out with 2 models. The first model was a 3/8" hex bar with a 24" long 3/16" X 3/16 sq. These rods could do donuts. In 1975 the OEM's put more weight on the front end, making them hard to turn. The 2nd model was a 3/8" round host bar with hardsurfacing covering the wear area. This allowed snowmobilers to use less effort to turn the handlebars.
In the Fall of 1991 we came out with our Good-n-Ugly carbides, which outlasted the competition.
In the Fall of 2003 we came out with our Triple Point carbides which are truly "The most dramatic turning carbide design in the history of snowmobiling" There are no downsides!
Don't take my word for it! Check it out!
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